How to Train Your Staff on Digital Technology

These days, intraoral scanners, CAD/CAM systems, and 3D printing are no longer on the cutting edge of digital dentistry. They’re becoming the standard for dental practices that want to attract and retain a new, younger generation of patients. The good news is that as digital dentistry goes mainstream, upgrading your office will become easier and more affordable. However, merely investing in these new gadgets won’t necessarily lead to growth.

Simply put, you could have the best technology available, but if your staff doesn’t know how to use it – it’s pretty useless. Explaining the benefits of the new equipment and training your team on how to deploy digital dental techniques will make a significant difference in how well the new technologies are carried out. When your team is knowledgeable about and comfortable using digital technology, your patients will notice.

The goal is to provide training that will help your staff members learn new features quickly with minimal downtime and expense.

Training Your Staff for a Seamless Transition to Digital Dentistry

Change can be difficult – even scary. This is especially true if things are working fine as they are. When implementing digital technology, your staff may meet you with some resistance. Why introduce something new that’s going to throw a wrench in daily operations? What if things get worse? Of course, the idea is that investing in digital technology will make processes more efficient and lead to growth over time. Here are a few tips for getting your team on board.

Meet with your staff one-on-one: Before adopting new technology, meet with your team members one-on-one to give them a heads up. Provide plenty of notice so everyone has time to prepare. It may seem more efficient to send an office memo, but individual meetings offer the chance for your staff to voice their questions and concerns in a safe space.

Respect the tech literacy of each individual: Because they work with computers every day, your front office staff may have an easier transition to digital than a hygienist who has decades of experience using traditional systems. Recognize that some staff members will pick up new technology quickly, while others may need extra time to get familiar with digital techniques and learn the proper skills.

Take advantage of professional training: Most manufacturers of intraoral cameras, digital x-rays, CAD/CAM systems, and 3D printers offer professional training for their products. Require all staff members to complete the online training – regardless of how tech savvy they are. If you’re upgrading your practice management software, your provider may offer workshops on how to schedule appointments, set up treatment plan options, and enter payments. Have your team take advantage of these tutorials. If in-person training is available, have a representative from the hardware or software company visit your practice. This will enable the professional to adapt the training to the specific needs and experience of your team members.

Appoint leaders to bring everyone up to speed: Your time is valuable and should be spent with your patients – not training and re-training your staff on how to take digital impressions. After everyone has received professional training, identify a couple of team members with strong leadership skills and a high level of tech literacy. Put them in charge of bringing the rest of your office up to speed.

Practice makes perfect: With the new technology in your office and professional training complete, allow your staff to practice on one another. Confident, tech savvy team members will be eager to apply what they’ve learned. Those who are still afraid of the new workflow will benefit from additional hands-on training under the supervision of knowledgeable staff.

We take the guesswork out of modernizing your dental practice

Digital dentistry has become the new standard in quality care. To ensure your practice continues to grow and meet patient expectations, it’s critical that your staff is on board. A team that is properly trained on how to use new equipment and perform digital dental techniques will be more efficient at their jobs. Plus, your patients will feel more comfortable and may be more likely to recommend your practice in an online review or to a friend. When it comes to the actual implementation of new technology, you can leave that to us.

At Darby TechForce, you can think of us as your behind-the-scenes dental IT department, constantly working to make sure you’re up to date and on the cutting edge of digital dental solutions. We’re certified in all digital imaging hardware and software and can set them up to work together seamlessly. With two decades of experience in installation and dental integration, we have the experience you can depend on for a smooth transition to a digital practice.

To learn more about how we can help modernize your dental practice, call our tech experts at 800-886-2093 or shoot us an email at

Give us a call at (800) 886-2093 to speak with one of our tech specialists. We’ll happily answer any questions you have and help you make a frustration-free transition to a high-tech dental office.